Jun 27, 2021
Where in an urban space do goats, bees, flexible muscles, resilient spirits, elderflowers, generous hearts, and veg all flourish?
Thanks to farmer and healer human being Janett Lewis, in Spanish
Lake, a community in unincorporated North St. Louis County,
Janett's work through Rustic Roots Sanctuary grew its strong fibers from her Georgia childhood on a family plantation, through work at a Waldorf School "where everything revolves around nature," to hands-on learning of bodywork skills in global cultures. A real estate business decision brought her to Spanish Lake. She stayed to address community needs and "because it's so beautiful and the people are amazing."
Rustic Roots 6.64 acres add urban farming land-wealth to the GROW Spanish Lake community garden, both co-creators with Spanish Lake CDC - with Janett's strong hand in each.
In each of her key roles in Spanish Lake, Janett Lewis draws from her lifetime of experience and commitment to help people feel better. Rustic Roots Sanctuary is a proud member of Known & Grown STL, our regional local food brand and certification program from Missouri Coalition for the Environment.
Thanks to Jenn DeRose and Known & Grown STL for facilitating this edition of Earthworms On The Farm!
Thanks to Earthworms truly verdant engineer, Andy Heaslet - and to Jon Valley and Andy Coco, KDHX Production guys.
Related Earthworms Conversations: One Health for People - Animals - Earth with Dr. Sharon Deem (April 2020)
Tend & Flourish School of Botanicals (Feb 2020)
Building Futures: Kids, Wood, Tools, Design, Future Benefits Now (June 2019)