Feb 3, 2022
Meditation practice can lead a person to understand causes and outcomes, prompt awareness of impacts and impulses, ground the perception that change is an only constant - and foster a commitment to act with loving kindness. Valuable for our toddler human species, busy whacking at all around us. And a tall order, that's not out of reach.
What transpires when meditation practice focuses on our human relationship with Earth? Lisa Hoover is exploring this space.
Lisa peer-leads the weekly practice of White Oak Sangha, based in the Missouri Ozarks, grounded in the Western Insight meditation tradition. This winter, she is exploring relationships to Earth, through an intensive class hosted online by the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.
Earthworms host Jean Ponzi took advantage of Zoom access (vs. an hour from St. Louis drive) to join this group when 2020 pandemic adaptations moved meetings online. Sharing their love of Earth, Jean shares insights with Lisa Hoover.
THANKS to Andy Heaslet, Earthworms audio engineer, and to Jon Valley and Andy Coco, the KDHX Production team.
Related Earthworms Conversations:
One Health for Animals - People - Earth with Dr. Sharon Deem, DVM (April 2020)
Facing the Climate Emergency with psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon (June 2020)
Nature's Best Hope? Ecologist Doug Tallamy say WE ARE (Feb 2020)