Jul 3, 2019
Sometimes, here on Earthworms, we focus our conversation on one unique element of Life on Earth. This time it's Squirrels.
Don Corrigan - respected local newspaper editor, college professor and ranconteur - has done this too, with his new book Nuts About Squirrels, The Rodents That Conquered Popular Culture (McFarland, 2019). His talks on this topic are wildly popular, hear?
Don's research has unearthed nuggets about TV, movie, radio, cartoon, sports, community and Civil War squirrels. He also finds squirrels raising genuine enviro-awareness, right in our own backyards:
Keep your mind open and the holes in your house eaves closed up, to enjoy this salute to SQUIRRELS!
Thanks to Andy Heaslet, Earthworms fellow-enviro engineer
Music: Agnes Polka, performed live at KDHX by Chia Band
Popular Culture Related Earthworms Conversations:
Population Media Center: Educating through Soap Operas (July 2017)
Jeff Ritter: KDHX 1st Voice On Air (and Ph.D. in American
Culture, July 2017)
And for those not so nuts about Squirrels: Humane Wildlife Solutions with Garry Guinn (March 2019)