Sep 28, 2016
Few things in the "Green Space" get as wonky as energy policy - or get as popular when utility bills can start shrinking.
Players in the Energy Sector are utility companies (and their shareholders), government regulators, enviro-advocates, municipalities, businesses of all kinds - and us Average Joes who use and pay for energy. Josh Campbell, Executive Director of the Missouri Energy Initiative, works this sector behind the scenes, negotiating for benefits that range from energy efficiency financing options to getting more solar and wind power into the system.
This Earthworms conversation covers state energy policy dynamics, PACE financing, responses in Missouri and Illinois to the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan, energy efficiency efforts in the Midwest region - and the kinds of relationships helping our region move from reliance on "Legacy Fuels" toward resilient, diverse, clean energy systems - in ways that all can afford. Energizing!
October 4-5 in St. Louis: Midwest Energy Policy Conference
Music: Deep Gap performed by Marisa Anderson at KDHX-St. Louis, May 2014
THANKS Josh Nothum, Earthworms engineer.
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