Aug 22, 2018
When a chance college dorm meeting prompts parlay about urban ag and life's design, can a live/work partnership based on decay, and inspired by nature, be far behind?
In the everyday and enterprise of Tim Kiefer and Beth Grolmes-Kiefer, for sure YES.
These two purposeful young sustainably-focused city residents are
putting their ideals to work, raising and selling the outputs of
hens, and transforming vacant property from poison-ivy infestation
to rich-soil productivity. How? Primarily by collecting to rot the
kitchen and garden scraps of others.
Perennial City Composting is a novel subscription service, providing St. Louis City and central-county area customers with regular organic waste pickup. Their on-the-road amenity feeds abandoned lot soil toward Tim and Beth's near-term goal of NOURISHing their subscribers with veggies from the composted scraps these same folks pay them to haul away.
This Earthworms conversation spotlights the Kiefer's unique, hard-working and visionary efforts, while also enlightening Beth and Tim to options host Jean Ponzi knows from her STL work and previous shows.
Listeners: Be ready to Rot & Roll!
Music: Jingle Bells - played live at KDHX by the Civiltones
Earthworms is honored by engineering this week from Andy Coco, host of KDHX Rhythm Section and station Production Director. THANKS!
Related Earthworms Conversations:
Elaine Ingham: Soil Science Rocks Plant Health (Nov 2017)Fungus Farming for Food & Fun - McCully Heritage Project (Feb 2018)
Food Policy Coalition Grows Health & Resouces (Dec 2015)The Easy Chicken - Fowl Fun Comes to You (Dec 2016)