Mar 30, 2016
The Missouri Prairie Foundation is celebrating 50 years of studying, growing, restoring and promoting one of the most productive - and dwindling - ecosystems on Earth. MPF Director, Carol Davit talks with Earthworms' Jean Ponzi about these "seas of grass" and their importance to both repairing and supporting human interaction with nature. Jon Wingo also joins this conversation, adding his considerable experience as Board past-President of MPF and President of DJM Ecological Services, a landscaping firm that specializes in work with native plants (enjoy Jon's and DJM's work on any St. Louis roam around the wilder areas of Forest Park).
MPF now manages Grow
Native! one of the nation's most outstanding and prolifically
engaging native plant promotional programs. The twofold purpose of
Grow Native! is to increase supply and increase demand, working
with native plants. Look for the purple tags or display areas in
almost any locally-owned garden center and you'll see living
evidence of Grow Native! achievements - plus you'll be
strongly tempted to try some natives on your own grounds.
MPF events this spring will include plant sales, Bioblitz on an original remnant prairie near Mt. Vernon MO, a regional celebration of National Prairie Day (June 4), Grow Native! workshops - and more. Membership in MPF brings you the quarterly Missouri Prairie Journal, a delightful hybrid of public information and scholarly research.
Music: Limehouse Blues - recorded live at KDHX by Del McCoury Band
Related Earthworms Conversations:
Wes Jackson, Founder of The Land Institute: Growing Our Food in Prairies (9-2-15)