Nov 4, 2015
Today's nuclear industry was born in secrecy during World War II. St. Louis pitched in, refining the massive amounts of uranium used by the Manhattan Project. We have the world's oldest nuclear waste scattered around this community.
St. Louis filmmaker Anthony West digs in and shows this complicated history, from workers (and the bosses) at the then-small Mallinckrodt Chemical Company, to federal agency officials, to today's on-edge residents living around radioactively contaminated West Lake Landfill that continues to make local to international news.
This cinematic story challenges our societal idea that there IS
a "Safe Side of the Fence" and hopes to prompt viewers to engage
with nuclear issues.
film screens Weds 11-11-15, 7 p.m. at St. Louis University -
FREE - in the 24th annual Whitaker St. Louis
International Film Festival. Sponsored by the Missouri Coalition for the
Environment, an environmental group working to keep both public
and planet safe in relation to nukes and many other issues.
Music: The Exotic Future of Money - Kinetics - Recorded live at KDHX