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Dec 16, 2020

Along the trail into a New Year, Terrain Magazine celebrates outdoor activity - and local faves - with 2021 Readers' Choice Awards.


Editor/publisher Brad Kovach shares the what-how-why of this specialized pub's success, promoting hiking, climbing, paddling, cycling and generally, actively enjoying NATURE. 

Big Thanks to Terrain readers for naming KDHX Earthworms host Jean Ponzi your choice as Enviro-Advocate this year! Especially appreciated since Choice honorees are totally proposed by Readers, not suggested by any official list. Yay! Means a lot!

THANKS to Andy Heaslet, Earthworms Enviro-Active Engineer, and to Andy Coco and Jon Valley of KDHX Production.

Related Earthworms Conversations: 
The New Territory: Traversing the Literary Midwest with Tina Casagrand (May 2017)

Livin' with Rivers: Big Muddy MO with Greg Poleski (Feb 2017)

The Big Book of Nature Activities (June 2016)