Nov 8, 2017
Missouri's state park system is nationally regarded as a public property gem. Our parks offer free admission to nearly 90 sites and a wide variety of ecological features, activities and accommodations. Four new parks could add economic benefits to areas in need, and round out the range of natural communities within the park system. But the governor has put a hold on these parks' development process.
Jennifer Connor, who is Ozarks Conservation Program Coordinator for the Sierra Club in Missouri, reports on this process and the spectrum of benefits state residents and visitors could experience in the four new parks in question, which are
The value of state parks is real, and significant. For example, for every $1 spent on park development and maintenance, the state estimates $26 flow into local and state economies. So what's the problem with completing development of these parks?
Learn more from the Sierra Club White River page on Facebook.
Music: Audrey's Bounce, performed live at KDHX by Western Satellites.
THANKS to Anna Holland, audio engineering whiz!
Related Earthworms Conversations: Missouri State Parks Centennial, October 2016