Aug 21, 2019
TED Talks bring Ideas Worth Sharing to audiences worldwide, in the legendary live-speaking forums for Technology, Entertainment and Design. In St. Louis, TEDx Gateway Arch proudly features all local voices, in our town's best venues.
CRASH COURSE is the theme when TEDx brings artists, entertainers
and revolutionaries to The Pageant on Thursday, September 12 at 6
p.m. This program will feature TWO eco-logical speakers: Sarah
Aman, graphic designer at PGAV, and KDHX's own Jean Ponzi. Plus
live music, interviews and performance art.
Andy Heaslet, Earthworms engineer and Sierra Club Conservation Specialist, guest-hosts this special edition of Earthworms, where our longtime host gets to be the guest, and both guests encourage us humans to swerve on the course, as well as we can.
Check out the Crash Course program online - and at the show, or when this round of TEDx talks is posted on YouTube.
Thanks to Alive! Magazine for a conversation with Jean, with Negativity coming through as a FUNdamental of Earth Life.
Music: Inferno Reel, performed live at KDHX by Matt Flinner.
THANKS to Andy Heaslet, Guest Host and Engineer for Earthworms.
Related Conversations: Legendary St. Louis Activist and TEDx Crash Course presenter Percy Green talks with Hank Thompson on Tangazo! (July 2018)