Mar 27, 2017
A river in songs and legends is also one of the most altered major waterways in the world, and the longest river in North America. The Missouri roils eastward from the Rocky Mountains to join it's mighty Mississippi cousin just upstream of St. Louis.
Before this powerful confluence, Big Muddy flows past the historic, friendly town of Washington, MO. And on those banks - in fact, right in Renwick Riverfront Park - all are welcome to help clean up and celebrate the Missouri in the 6th Washington River Festival on Saturday, April 8th. Local artists and river friends host this festival in partnership with Missouri River Relief.
Join the clean-up effort from 9 am - 1 pm. The Festival from 11 am - 5 pm features music, educational booths, art activities, food, and an art auction - all FREE and all arrayed along Washington's Missouri River banks.
THANKS to Earthworms guests Steve Schnarr, River Relief Program Manager (and real-life River Rat) and festival organizer Gloria Attoun for this flowing conversation!
THANKS also to Andy Heasley, Earthworms
Related Earthworms Conversations: Living
With Rivers: Big Muddy MO (February 15, 2017 - AND
Mississippi River Town Mayors: Leadership in Global
Way (June 2016)