Jul 17, 2023
St. Louis is the first U.S. city using the app Mosquito Alert,
developed in Barcelona, Spain, and in use across Europe. This
Citizen Science project combines support for our Public Health pros
with rich opportunities for eco-logical messaging:
We CAN Control the Pests AND Protect our
The Mosquito...
Aug 6, 2019
Global Mosquito Alert aims to mobilize professional and volunteer citizen scientists from around the world, using mobile apps, to track and control mosquito borne viruses. Dr. Anne Bowser, Director of Innovation for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, reports on this collaboration involving citizen...
Jun 7, 2017
The bug us. They bite us. Some of them carry a dread disease. Mosquitoes are a fact of summer life that WE can and must actively control.
Jim Sawyer, Vector Control Supervisor for St. Louis County Department of Public Health, covers the details about mosquito biology, disease concerns, and...
Jul 20, 2016
This is Mosquito Season. Those pesky bugs buzz out in
force after every rain - especially in super-hot weather.
The City of St. Louis Health Department wants you to know
how we ALL can control mosquitos:
Fight the Bite with the Four D's