Jan 15, 2019
Renegotiated by Congress every 5-7 years The Farm Bill impacts food production, nutrition assistance, habitat conservation, international trade, and much more. But try digging into its 1,000+ pages!
Christina Badaracco, a registered dietician, dug deep into this topic for her new book (with researcher and author Daniel Imhoff) The Farm Bill: A Citizen's Guide (Island Press, Jan 2019). She brings perspective from this accessible, graphics-rich book to this Earthworms conversation.
With a new farm bill just signed into law, we all need to understand the implications of food policy. What’s the impact of crop insurance? How does SNAP actually work? What would it take to create a healthier, more sustainable food system?
Eaters, taxpayers, sustainable food system advocates: listen up!
Music: Who Gives, performed live at KDHX by Brian Curran
Thanks to Andy Heaslet, warmly welcomed back this week as Earthworms' engineer.
Related Earthworms Conversations:
Urban Agriculture Guide: a New Tool for City Farmers (June 2016)
Citizenship: Responsibility is our Civic Ability to Respond (Nov 2018)
People's Pocket Guide to Environmental Action with Caitlin Zera (July 2017)